how to opt out of intelius, TruthFinder, and more

Here is your guide on how to permanently opt out and remove your personal information from The benefit of opting out of is that you also opt out of,, and We'll also show you how to automatically opt out of dozens of other internet data brokers who profit from selling your data.

TIP: There are hundreds of data brokers out there just like Intelius who collect and sell your data for a profit. Rather than find each one and opt out manually, you can opt out of ALL data brokers at once with a tool like Get unlimited monitoring and data removal for just $4.99/month.

opt out of intelius

to opt out of,,, and, follow these steps:

  1. Visit their opt-out page here and click on "Manage Suppression Rules."
  2. Fill out the form with your email and click the "submit" button.
  3. They will email you a verification email. Open that email and click the "Verify Email" button.
  4. You will be directed to's offical opt out form. Complete the form with the information you would like removed from their websites. Websites you will be opted out from include,,, and When you are done, click the "save" button.
  5. Congratulations! You are now opted out of intelius, instant checkmate, truthfinder, and ussearch!

How long does it take intelius to remove my information?

Once you submit your opt-out request, intelius can take up to 90 days to honor it. They typically update their records every three months, which means you might have to wait three months to see your data removed. There is no fast way to do this. But the good new is, once you've submitted your removal request, it eventually will be removed.

The downside is that they may re-collect your data in the future and start selling it again. This is why it's worth having a monitoring service like who will scan the web for your information every month to ensure it has not been re-listed. will automatically submit opt-out requests on your behalf to intelius and over 50 other data brokers who sell your personal information. This saves you countless hours of submitting removal requests, and having to check every month if your data has been relisted.